Sunday, July 31, 2016

Pompom rug

Today I decided to make a small rug out of yarn pompoms. The lesson I learned from today's exploring is that you need a lot more pompoms than you think you need!

I started cutting out circles from cardboard the way I learned in school when I was a kid, but that was 20 years ago and people can be very creative in 20 years; while I was threading the first pair I started thinking about my friend Nora that made miniature pompoms on a fork.
Then I remembered that I have a device for making hairpin lace(check out my earlier post about hairpin lace on this blog), which in Norwegian is called a fork.

I'm so glad i remembered this before I got too far, because in no time I had made a pile of pompoms- it was super quick!

Thanks to the hairpin lace-fork being adjustable I could make pompoms in various sizes.

I recommend a small pointy scissor for cutting. When you've cut them you need to fluff them up and trim them to the right shape. NB! Be sure to leave the threads you used to tie the pompom with long, you will need them later!

I got this anti slip thing for carpets at IKEA for basically no money at all. Cut to desired shape and size, and start sewing the pompoms on the anti slip thingy, using the long threds from when you tied the pompom!

This one was done in a total of 4 hours, from the first pompom on the fork to finished rug. Next time, I'll make more pompoms to make a bigger rug ;)