I've made small slippers for this post, just because it's quicker since they're smaller, but I've made many for adults as well, using the same principle, just knitting bigger.
Time used on one slipper: one hour.
First, you knit a square. The length of the piece corresponds with the length of the foot. Tip: leave some length of yarn when you first start the piece so that you can use it to sew with later on.
When the piece is long enough, you knit two and two together, so that you end up with half the stiches you started with.
Cut your yarn so that you have some length to sew with later, then use a crotchet hook to pull the yarn through the stiches.
Pull on the thread you just pulled through the stiches, so that the piece curls up at that end. This will be the toe.
Fold the piece on the middle, and take the thread from the beginning of your piece- you're now going to sew together the heel. Just sew the edges togehter, and then fasten and hide the thread.
Go back to the toe, take the thread at that end and use it to sew together the edges that will become the top of the foot. Sew to the middle, so that you have an opening for the foot to go in.
Now, turn it inside out, so that the side with the sewing stiches you just made is on the inside. You now have a basic slipper/sock....
..... that you can decorate however you please. I've crocheted on a small trim.
Here are a few others I've made earlier(I had more, but I sold them not long ago):
Terrible quality to this pic, I know... Doesn't matter. As we say in Norway, a slipper is a slipper.