Today's post is dedicated to all my unfinished projects that are lying around. There are a few, and these are not including jewelry and drawing projects.
There's the technique I just had to try today: domino knitting.
Knitting is not my strongest suit, I had to watch this video a couple of times before I got it, but if I can get the hang of it, you certainly can too! :D My brain sounds like this when I do it: lift,2,3,4,5,6,7,8, lift one off, two together, lift back over, 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8, turn, lift, normal back, lift, 2,3,4,5,6,7, lift one, two together, lift back over, 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,turn, lift, normal back, lift, 2,3,4,5,6, lift etc...
We have the poor old lady without a body. I made the head from Sculpey skintoned clay, painted effects and put wool for hair on her, and made hands, but before I figured out a neat way to make a body for her, I just had to try something else....
..... like needle tatting. This is my favourite thing at the moment.
I started knitting traditional, Norwegian mittens, called Selbuvotter (not my flickr account) for my sweetheart. Goal is to have them ready by November. Plenty of time! Ahem....
Baby blanket for my niece. Needs to be done by end of June, but this is easy enough, and I always work better under pressure anyway :)
Will be baby socks, matching the hat there. Small enough project, no sweat.
Knitted Harry Potter's Gryffindor scarf, double layered. Scarves are a big yawn. Probably a six year project :P
(colours are a bit off, they're crimson and mustard. As mentioned earlier, I don't know first thing about photography)
My crocheted granny blanket is also one of my favourite projects. It's the same technique as with the baby blanket, but instead of going around and around, I make small squares with three rounds. There's no rush with this one, it's a huge project, and I absolutely love it.
Also today, my SO and I started on this 3000 piece puzzle of an old fashioned world map, that we'll hang on our wall when it's finished. My SO is king when it comes to puzzles, so I'm not worried that this won't be finished :)
Sooo... I guess I should go finish something then.... ;)